Tuesday 14 November 2017

Conservation is not a part time job

A couple of months ago, we were raising alarm calls warning ourselves about the impending water deficit.  An obsession for water conservation spread like an epidemic and was picked up by almost everyone. The media houses vied for brownie points, politicians would have said and done something to either conserve or improve their electoral bases, conservationists would have been glad to read their own words in prime print spaces and academicians would have lectured and quizzed thirsty students.

This obsession got washed out in rains. A benevolent nature bestowed more than sufficient rains to fill our 'silt filled' reservoirs. The media houses, politicians, conservationists and academicians, all seem to have picked up some other themes and will come back to blow the bugles next summer.

Annual knee jerk reactions will not help achieve the ends. Viewed like summer internships, part time efforts towards conservation, will deliver little. 

Does anyone care?     

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