Monday 30 November 2015

COP21: The Yard Stick and Climate Consensus

As global torch bearers meet in Paris today, they carry with them aspirations and hopes of 7+ billion people. Whilst COP 21 will find a place as a landmark event in modern history, it need not necessarily present a DoD (Do or Die) scenario.
Change is inevitable. It is the only constant in an increasingly complex world. Any action that will aid slowdown of the rate of change will give us more time to rehearse adaptive living. Slower the change, the softer it would be. (Pl see my noting in an earlier occasion on the faster changes in the past and their contribution to the present situation). Had we been slow then, there would be less to worry now.
There is a latent danger of disagreement due to wrong measuring scale carried by the torch bearers. The world, in the past too had found itself entangled when values, growth rights and commitments get debated.       
Human tendency to appropriate and valorize resources has led us to the present predicament. Not far from today, the oil era will sublimate. Water is a strong replacement candidate. If physical might to wage wars and redraw borders was the strategy of the in the 20th century, the approach now is fiscal might. Underlying motto - Ends justifying means remain unchanged. 



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